Sunday, December 15, 2019

Last Week of School!

Hello 7A Families,

I hope you have all had a wonderfully restful weekend.  Here is an update for all of the events going on this week!  Normally I would update this on the blog, but it's a little late coming to all of you, so I figured this would be the fastest and best way to get this information to everyone.  And for the lateness, I am very sorry, I was super sick last week. 

Today is our winter cook-out!  We will build a fire on the top of the hill at St. Patrick's Island and engage in some heat and temperature activities, as well as some winter games.  I will bring ingredients for s'mores as my holiday gift to the kids.  If anyone wants to bring anything else to have at the cook-out that is welcome as well.  We will be eating at St. Pat's (weather looks great!) so please make sure your child has a lunch today.

Also, even though the weather looks good, please make sure your child is dressed to spend the day outside.  One of the things we're encountering is ankle socks, which greatly impacts the ability to stay warm.

There is still room for parent volunteers on this trip.  We have 0 volunteers from our class for this day.  We are only able to do this activity because we are using the extra volunteers from Ms. Luff's class.  Please e-mail me if you would like to come.

We don't have any field studies today, but student's will be sharing their bridges with their peers.  This will involve testing the bridges with Newton Meters to see how much force they can hold.  This will be a very exciting day for the kids!  Please talk to them at home about how it went!

AM - We will be going to the Zoo today (weather permitting) from 8:15 to 11:15.  We will be looking at animal adaptations to winter, and animal structures.  We have 2 parent volunteers, but have room for more if anyone would like to join.

PM - The grade 7 team would like to invite all parents to view the bridges the kids have been working so hard at.  We will be having a grade-wide celebration of learning from 1:30 - 2:50 this day.  Each class room will be set up with the bridges.  Students will have an opportunity to visit the other classes, and parents are welcome to see all of the bridges as well.  We would love to have as many parents as possible come! 

As e-mailed out earlier, this is our winter solstice day!  It is a special Langevin tradition, and we hope you are all able to join.  Here is a schedule for the day's events:

8:10 – 8:30: In homerooms
8:30 – 9:45: Buddy winter STEAM challenge

9:45 – 10:00: Recess/Nutrition Break

10:00 – 11:00: School gathering in the gym

11:00 – 12:00: Potluck Luncheon with families in classrooms
**It will be a non-uniform day with a $2 donation going to the CWES.

Parent's can take their child home after the potluck, but there will be regularly scheduled school for those who stay until the end of the day.

That's everything for the week.  I will re-post all of this on the blog for easy access.  Please let me know if you have any questions, and I look forward to seeing you all at one of the many events we have planned throughout the week.


Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Class Update - Tuesday, Dec. 3

Hello 7A Families!

Well, we've made it to December!  We have two and half weeks left until winter break, and the end is in sight.  As usual, we've been very busy!  Here are some important updates:

Language Arts

  • Students are beginning a research project on a global agricultural issue.  This will focus on writing outcomes, and representing ideas through a variety of media.
  • We are just about to finish the book A Monster Calls.  We are focusing on thematic analysis, so our summative project will be to complete an artistic representation of themes that are present in the book.  We hope the have this completed before winter break.


  • We are working on adding and subtracting fractions with different denominators.  We will have an assessment on all of the fraction concepts we have worked on this Friday.

Social Studies

  • We are working on the Footprints of Exploration project.  Student's have chosen an exploration, and they will be mapping the exploration route using GIS software.


  • Students are just about finished their bridges!  We will be done them by Friday, and will be testing them on Monday.  

Field Studies
Tomorrow we are going to the Central Library to conduct research on our agriculture project.  If you are able to pack your child's library card (if they have one) that would be great!

A reminder that we are skating TWICE next week!  We will walk to Olympic Plaza with our skates and spend the morning skating.  If your child has their own skates, they are welcome to bring them.  They are also welcome to bring their own helmets, but they MUST be real hockey helmets, no bike helmets please.

There is homework tonight, and there will likely be homework regularly until winter break.  Tonight's homework is that all students should have their research done for the social studies project.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

March 9 - 13 Update

Hello Parents, Thank you all for your time last week at student-led conferences.  If you have any feedback about the conferences that you ...